Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How much physical movement of the hand control is required when playing The Godfather Black Hand Edition?

I prefer minimal movement whilst playing video games. When watching Wii promotional material, it shows people full of energy jumping around in highly energenic ways. Is it possible to play these games without having to be so mobile and active?How much physical movement of the hand control is required when playing The Godfather Black Hand Edition?
Yes, absolutely. Although I haven't played The Godfather on Wii, I've played a number of other games (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess immediately springs to mind) that don't require the level of jumping around and energy that the adverts imply. To be honest, even the games that do encourage you to be more active CAN be played in a more sedate manner - WarioWare, for example, can be played from the comfort of the couch!

You might even find the control set up to be more comfortable than a standard Dual Shock-type pad. To go back to Twilight Princess, it took me and my flatmate around 80 hours to complete the game, and we would regularly play for upwards of 4 hours at a time. Being able to move the position of your arms and keep them 3 feet apart made the game much more comfortable to play than if both hands had to be chained to a regular controller.

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