There are lots of great answers- I also love David Bach.
What worked for me was to give myself an allowance each week in cash. Keep enough money in your checking account to cover the things you need (rent, groceries, power bill, etc.) and feel free to pay for those with a check or debit card. Pay yourself first and save for retirement and an emergency savings account automatically out of each paycheck. (Even if your budget is tight, and you can only save $10 a month for these goals, I think it is so important to start now and get into the habit! When you have a little more breathing room, increase the amount.)
Now, figure out how much you have to spend each week or month or whatever on fun stuff, and take it out in cash. Always pay for the stuff you want, as opposed to need, with cash. That way, if you have cash in your wallet, you can buy what you want without feeling one bit guilty. And if you don't have cash, you just have to wait! It's a simple system that worked for me.
And I don't need to tell you what to do with those credit cards- just don't run them up!My husband and I are spendthifts. What is the best way to begin to get control of our money?
On the day you recieve the $$$ have 10% of it automatically transferred to a savings a/c. Name the a/c after a goal you have, that way when you are tempted to spend it you will be forced to think about the goal you are working towards.
On the day you recieve the $$$ have 10% of it automatically transferred to a charity.
Consult a Financial Advisor
budget planning
Use cash, use a budget that is on paper before the start of every month.
Read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. His book details how to make a budget, get out of debt, save for emergencies, save for purchases, etc.
';Smart Couples Finish Rich'; by David Bach. Seriously, read it, love it, make it your bible.
Also try The Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing Your Money for budgeting tips. A budget may sound restrictive, but it's actually very liberating, because you know you've covered all your needs and know exactly how much you can indulge your wants.
Well, the ';lazy'; part is what's going to get you stuck where you are economically. Self control, which is what you're asking to get, requires energy, self discipline, and watchfulness. As long as you stay ';lazy'; ';spendthrifts';, you never will have a clue where to start. Actually, I think you have more than a clue, you're just looking for a quick-and-easy alternative to the answer, and there ain't one. But, it's your choice. God Bless you.
Follow through with your convictions, and reconsider before you purchase. Sounds like you're kicking yourself in the head now! Eventually you'll get to the point where you're gonna have a yard sale because of things you don't really need, and it's more of a rip off because of retail. Depending on what you consider, there are always ';Thrift '; stores!
Get rid of all your credit cards but one for emergencies and start balancing a check book!
If either of you have a 401k through your employer, you need to put money aside for your retirement. If you get a 5% raise, increase the amount you save in your 401k as well as you are already used to living with a certain amount of money.
If you have direct deposit for your paychecks, you can set it up where you put a certain amount of money into savings, and have the remainder deposited into your checking account. So, let's say you want to save $50 per paycheck, set up your direct deposit so $50 goes into savings, and the remainder goes into checking.
it's 3 words, MANAGE YOUR MONEY. Write what you spend on groceries, gas, and expenses. then after you have written all of this from a month, sit down with him and go through what you have written down and figure out you have to limit on.
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