Monday, February 8, 2010

When can I start taking my birth control?

I went to my doctor a several weeks ago and got a perscription for birth control. I was told that i should start taking it the day I start my next period or the sunday after i start. However, i have always been irregular and I was wondering if it is okay to start taking my birth control even though i have not had my next period yet? I want to get on birth control but I am tired of waiting for my period.When can I start taking my birth control?
WAIT the first day you bleed take it then, if taken correctly it can help you become more regularWhen can I start taking my birth control?
you can take it the first day of your period or the sunday after your period the sunday after is what my dr always set me at if u start taking them w/out waiting for a period it will make u start having a period during your active pills an can take 2-3 pill packs to get regular again this happened to me after child birth dr said start pill 3 weeks after delivery an i was bleeding alot the first 2 pill pks
ask your doctor, normally its the day the period starts only, not the sunday afterwards, thats a bit silly - but phone the family planning or doctor. or read the leaflet in the pill box and see what it recommends.
Wait, thats how you will make your periods regular. The reason they say to wait is so that the tablets match up to your hormone levels that are present at certain times of your cycle. Don't know why your dr would say the sunday after though! what pill are you on? is it a 28 day or a 21?
no you NEED to wait.

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