Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What happens if you take a birth control pill an hour early from the time you usually take it?

I usually take my birth control pill at 4pm, but ill be running around today and i dont want to forget it so is it okay if i take it at 3pm??What happens if you take a birth control pill an hour early from the time you usually take it?
Yes. You have an hour grace period so you can take it up to an hour early or late and still be fine. Good for you for making sure you dont forget. Have fun running around!What happens if you take a birth control pill an hour early from the time you usually take it?
yup! they say you have a 3 hour window and you should still be an hour early is fine. better than an hour late, but even that won't effect you!
That should be fine, it's only an hour, not a full day or anything.
yeah its okay.
Medication timing is based on standard deviation of the time you are prescribed to take it. If for instance you are to take a medicine every 12 hours it is acceptable to take it withing plus or minus a certain time. For birth control I would say 2 hours one way or the other is within the range needed to still be effective. Medications have, by law an attachment describing what to do under most circumstances. Save it and read it,
as long as it isn't late it will be ok, but you should keep taking it at 3 now
it doesnt matter jus dont forget to take it a difference of one hour this way or that wont do much harm
Though the doctors like you to take any medications at about the same time every day, taking your BCP an hour earlier isn't going to do any harm. As long as you take it at some point in the day you will be fine. No worries.:)

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